Hoya imbricata
Hoya imbricata Forums
Have a question or problem about Hoya imbricata ? Share it in the forum and find the answer with the help of others.
Product Offers for Hoya imbricata Care: 8 inch Hanging Planters, or find other offers here
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Have a question or problem about Hoya imbricata ? Share it in the forum and find the answer with the help of others.
Hoya crassipetiolata
Hoya shepherdii
Product Offers for Hoya imbricata Care: 8 inch Hanging Planters, or find other offers here
By sharing your plants in Gudpot, you help many people learn more about the plants you share.
Hoya latifolia is an easy houseplant to grow and will mature in various beautiful colors. It likes indirect sunlight and grows as a trailing plant. Hoya plants do not like dry soil, so ensure they have plenty of moisture and proper care.
Hoya finlaysonii
Hoya latifolia
Hoya 'Mathilde'